Which is Better: Investor Visa or Employee Visa?

The answer depends on your specific situation!

Some of our clients have businesses in Free Zones while living abroad, while others reside within the UAE. To help you choose the right option based on your needs, here are the main differences:

  • Traveling Requirements: If you plan to live outside the UAE, an investor or partner visa may be more suitable, as it only requires you to visit the UAE once a year to maintain your residency. In contrast, an employee visa requires a visit every 6 months.
  • Credit and Financing: If you intend to live in Dubai and need financing from a bank, an employee visa might be more advantageous because it provides proof of income. With only an investor visa and minimal capital (e.g., USD 5,000), obtaining credit from banks can be more challenging.

At CompanySetup-UAE.com, we assess each client’s case individually and provide tailored advice based on their unique circumstances and goals.

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